Anarchy of Being

Sometimes we're eager to get quick at some things
Forgetting the risks, the trouble, the pain
Just to be known of it.
End of it, you might find out it was worth the wait.

At times,
We even lose people during this period.
You lose the ones you love, the ones that love you
Then you start to wonder what went wrong?
You act a certain way in order to experience other views in life
You know sometimes if the things that are dangerous that we’re told not to do, and we do it
It also helps in discovering your new self.
People’s actions do not determine them really, because they change due to time.
We were all made differently with different characters.
We don't expect one being to have one personality
There must be a point that triggers or blows you out of your track.
That's just where and how we find ourselves in this society.

A Liberian. I love reading and writing. I see writing as a mind-clearer which helps me to express myself more than I do with other beings.