The Vow

Why am I scared of losing you?

I want to be your Daystar, Sunshine, Moonlight, Light, King, Everything,
Want to travel the earth and fly to Mars with you,
Want to hold you in my arms and never let go,
Want to be your shield in darkest hours
Let me show you all shades of love
We'll laugh hard everyday and I'll never make you cry,
Want to dance in the rain with you,
Want to ride the world with you,
Want to watch you sleep in my arms
Want to be there for you,
Through the good and bad times,
Today and forever.

You're the reason I run home,
The reason I come home,
You give me purpose, hope,
You complete me,
Never felt this wholeness until I met you,
I love you now and tomorrow,
I say YES! to you
YES to certainties and uncertainties,
Anxieties and fears,
Love and fulfillment,
Today till eternity comes.

Simple natured but a fun lover.
