
Love is patient, Love is kind…

Many women and girls are waiting eagerly to see how their significant others will affirm their love and affection for them on the day set aside for the expression of love. A few who are unsure of the affection or intentions of their would-be partners, wait with a great deal of trepidation, hoping that their dreams are not based on their own desires and imagination, but on requited love…

Love is patient, Love is kind…

Moving Away from The Joneses

Let me live my own life at my own pace, helped and guided by my God, singing my own tune, whether it be off-key or not, content to have a not-so-perfect house, or perfectly manicured lawn, or perfect clothes everyday, or perfect car, or anything resembling a utopian existence… All this chasing of one’s tail in order to be as ‘successful’ as the next person, is wearying to the soul, and certainly, adds nothing to your true worth, value and significance.

Moving Away from The Joneses