Domestic Violence

Pied Emotion

On that day, she had the courage to leave and not look back. It broke my heart, but more than anything else in the world, I valued her peace of mind, her chance at liberation away from the hurricane that is my father. My father made it a note in his mind to remind us every time he came home wasted that we lived in his home and he'd kick us out if he so wished.

Pied Emotion

Running Away...

They spent their all time romancing. Ah the travelling and the fun we had. It was amazing. They couldn't stop. They didn't even want to. Their careers were great too. The richest in the town, the best car with the biggest house. The beautiful interiors. The money one of them earned was enough for one lifetime itself. But happiness life doesn't last forever. Does It?

Running Away...

Abusive Relationships... A Big NO!

When a woman is beaten by her husband or any other family member, at least she has some sympathy of the people around her if no actual support. But when a woman is bashed, bullied, doubted, accused and harassed in her own home, by her own husband, no one tries to understand her condition and no one supports her.

Abusive Relationships... A Big NO!